Country: United States
Year: 2023
Language: English
Subtitles: No Subtitle
Runtime: 125 mins.

Chloe Grayden lost her hearing at eight years old, victim to a freak bout of bacterial meningitis that coincided with the tragic disappearance of her mother. She’d been the last person to see her mother alive. She’d read about Dr. Sophia Lynch’s clinical trials utilizing an experimental genetic modification that could potentially regrow damaged auditory nerve fibers. Hearing restoration without cochlear implants or hearing aids had never been accomplished in human history. Chloe's father felt that it was time to finally sell the old Cape Cod cottage and move on –Chloe suggested she could start the process of selling the house after her experimental procedure. Through a stack of VHS tapes and old photographs stashed in the cottage, Chloe starts to rediscover the mother she hadn’t had the chance to really know —and her mother's connection to a string of missing women still afflicting the Cape. As she uncovers the truth about her mother, Chloe is bombarded with a spectral overload of sounds real and unreal, whittling away her tenuous grasp on reality. She begins to suspect that her former silences contain more than we can perceive with our senses…  

Jeffrey A. Brown

His short film Sulfuric premiered at Fantastic Fest 2013 in Austin, Texas and has been shown at more than 20 film festivals. His feature film debut The Beach House premiered at the Strasbourg European Fantasy Film Festival and screened at film festivals around the world before streaming on the horror platform Shudder.

Director: Jeffrey A. Brown
Cast Lachlan Watson, Brendan Meyer, Shunori Ramanathan, Nick Sandow
Cinematography: Owen Levelle
Production: Andrew Corkin, Jeffrey A. Brown
Screenplay: Michael Rasmussen, Shawn Rasmussen
Editing: Aaron Crozier
Music: Roly Porter
Sound: Colin Alexander
Art Direction: Mollie Wartelle


23:00 (Horario CST)
Panteón San Nicolás